Land for sale in Kūģi village, Aiviekste parish, Aizkraukle municipality, 6.6 km from Pļaviņas and 127 km from Riga.
Cadastral number of the real estate is 3242 007 0198, cadastral designation of the land unit is 3242 007 01978, name - Vidurgas. Land area - 7 933 m2. The encumbrances of the property are the territory of the operational protection zone along the electric network cable line - 0.2406 ha.
The property has a picturesque relief. The land has overgrowth and a natural spring, as well as the preserved rubble foundations of the old houses. The property is suitable for a private house and a pond. The location is beautiful and peaceful, offering both natural tranquillity. 6 km away is Cigoriņa Hill, where you can enjoy skiing in winter.
Access to the property is from a good quality municipal road. The national local road V 946 Skujaini - Mālkalni is 1.3 km away and its quality is considered good/satisfactory. The main national road A6 Riga - Daugavpils - Krāslava - Belarusian border (Patarnieki) is 2.5 km away.
The public transport stop is 400 m from the property.
The surrounding agricultural land is not used for grain farming and has permanent grassland which must not be ploughed. This means that the surrounding environment is protected from potentially harmful chemicals.
In addition, it is also possible to purchase the adjacent property of 13 800 m2 with cadastral number 3242 007 0197, located on the opposite side of the municipal road.
The property is ideal for people who want to get away from the city or just live in a clean environment. If you are looking for a quiet place for a house in the countryside, this property is a good choice. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to arrange a viewing of the property!