The client wants to sell agricultural land. Real estate "Asari", Pilskalne parish, Aizkraukle region, cadastral number 3274 003 0024, land unit cadastral designation 3274 003 0024.
The total area of the real estate is 7.6 ha, of which 7.4 ha is agricultural land and 0.2 ha is land under water. The quality rating of the land is 40 points, arable land. The land is meliorated. Soil type is turf silty soil. Flat topography and relatively regular shape. Access to the property via an easement road. No encumbrances.
The property has not been instrumentally measured. The actual size of the property is more than 8 ha. Despite the fact that the land is used for permanent grassland, it MAY BE USED FOR GROWING CEREALS! The requirements for maintenance of permanent grassland will apply (if at all) to no more than 5% of the land or 0.4 ha.
Do not hesitate and get in touch with us!