Kalnrozes street 24, Salaspils

Land for sale for building private houses in Salaspils. 

Address of the real estate is Kalnrozes iela 24, cadastral number of the property is 80310090108, cadastral designation of the land unit is 80310090108. Total area of the land plot is 6056 m2

Along the land there is an asphalted street (Kalnrozes iela). The property is surrounded by power lines of the distribution network. There are also water and sewerage networks of the city along the land (here is a map of the water and sewerage networks). According to the Salaspils municipality territory plan, the property is located in a low-rise residential area (DzM). Here is a map of the functional zoning of Salaspils town.

The Binding Rules on the Use and Development of the Territory of Salaspils Municipality allow the dividing of the existing property into smaller properties with an area of at least 600 m2. The permissible building height is up to 12 meters. The maximum density of the land unit shall not exceed 30% of the land unit area.

Private houses and new projects of multi-storey houses dominate in the neighbourhood. 

The property is located 150 m from the railway station "Dole", which is an advantage rather than a disadvantage. The railway line is used by the train Riga - Aizkraukle. The train is probably the most convenient, best and cheapest way to get to the centre of Riga, which has only 6 stops, takes 20 minutes and costs 1 euro and 10 cents. The train runs more than once an hour. Given the plans of the City of Riga and the State to improve mobility and to use the train for this purpose, the train service is likely to improve further in the future.

Given the residential and high-rise housing in the area, the relative proximity of the train tracks has no impact on the comfort of life. 

This is one of the few undeveloped areas that does not require large investments. The property is very well located and represents a good investment opportunity. Do not miss the opportunity to buy this land, as such properties at this price are rare! Contact us for more information!


Meadow with city buildings in the background.
Type of property Land
Deal type For sale
Land area 6056 m²
Property ID Z-6
60 000 €

Agent in charge

Ivars Rubenis

+371 2923 3174

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