Land with foundations and a project for the construction of a house for sale in Ķekava municipality, Balozi. Land area 1 257 m2.
Cadastral number of the property 8007 003 3569, cadastral designation of the land unit 8007 003 3569, address - Varavīksnes iela 2/4, Baloži, Ķekavas nov., LV-2112. Encumbrances - territory of the operational protection zone along the overhead line of the electrical network outside towns and villages with rated voltage up to 20 kilovolts - 0.015 ha. According to the cadastral information of the State Land Service, there is a house and 3 outbuildings on the land, which have been completely demolished. This allows a new house to be built on the existing foundations and there is also the possibility to extend them.
The property is connected to all communications - electricity, gas, city water supply and city sewerage. It is possible to divide the land into two separate plots, permission has been received from the Ķekava Municipality to start the development of a land planning project for the division of the property.
Across the road there is a forest where you can take walks in the fresh air. Lake Titurga with its landscaped recreation areas and children's playgrounds is 1.1 km away.
The centre of Baloži is 2.6 km away, with Mego and Top shops, cafés and services. The nearest bus stop is 850 metres away.
The owner is open for discussion about the price of the property!
Baloži is a great place to live, build a private house and is very easily accessible after the construction of the new Ķekava bypass. Contact us for more information or to arrange a property viewing!